Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej
Kierunek: Budownictwo          Specjalność: Bez specjalności - studia w języku angielskim
Stopień: pierwszy          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2015/2016
Data aktualizacji: 26-01-2018
ECTSKod kierunku: BUDsemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne321141111801515753015159601601301362
1Foreign language1204120301301301301
2Information Technology303151515153
3Physical Education60603030
4Introduction to Civil Engineering15115151
6Elective Humanistic Course
7Elements of Law in Engineering Practice30130301
8Elements of Intellectual Property Protection61661
BPrzedmioty podstawowe4654224075606030904515147530451516603015915303
10Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods604303030304E
14Theoretical Mechanics9010603030155E30155E
15Computational Methods453153015303
CPrzedmioty kierunkowe1215905107519530405301515745306010901545306017105307545191351530120211051510516
16Descriptive Geometry303151515153E
17Computer Graphics for Engineers30230302
18Technical Drawing30230302
20Building Materials60715153015154303
21Technology of Concrete4531515151515153
22Strength of Materials120116015153030305E3015156E
23Structural Mechanics12012303015451515306151515156E
24Fundamentals of Civil Engineering1057604530153E30304E
25Masonry Structures302151515152
26Timber Structures452153015302
27Industrial Structures302151515152
28Architecture and Urban Design302151515152
29Soil Mechanics603303030303E
31Concrete Structures1057451545303041515153E
32Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures302151515152
33Metal Structures1058451545301515415304E
34Bridge Structures604303030304E
35Building Installations and Municipal Systems453301530153
36Physics of Building Structures452153015302
DPrzedmioty specjalnościowe5554030715232101515322233601545710515309757511308227
37Energy-efficient Building Systems452301530152E
38Hydraulics and Hydrology303151515153
39Hydraulic Engineering452301530152
40Construction Supervision, Occupational Safety and Health604303030304E
41Technology of Construction Works603303030303E
42Economics and Project Management303158715873
43Cost Estimation302151515152
44Company Management304151515154
45Introduction to Transportation Planning453222322233
46Road Surfaces and Technology of Road Construction6033015153015153E
47Road Design7554530453E302
48Rail Roads302151515152
49Fire Safety Measures in Civil Engineering15215152
50Practical training
EPrzedmioty związane z dyplomem110243065151530315351521
51Subjects related to Diploma Projects
52Diploma Seminar
53Preparation of Diploma Project5135513
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: w - wykład, c - ćwiczenia audytoryjne, l - laboratoria, k - laboratoria komputerowe, p - projekty, s - seminarium.
Pobierz ten plan w pliku XLS

Linki do przedmiotów z list

Elective Humanistic Course
A6a Macroeconomics Foundations of Economic Policy (Modern Challenges)
A6b Principles of Macroeconomics (the Current European context)
A6c Interpersonal Communication

Practical training
D1a Praktyka zawodowa - budowlana
D1b Praktyka zawodowa - geotechniczna

Subjects related to Diploma Projects
E1 Introduction to BIM technology in construction project management
E1 Modern and emerging technologies in construction projects
E1a Reinforced Concrete Structures in Urban and Industrial Building I
E1b Reinforced Concrete Structures in Urban and Industrial Building II
E1c Tunnels, car-parks, underground passages
E1d Selected issues of bridge design
E1e Architectural and buidling design
E1f Structures for building and industrial building
E1g Exploitation and modernization of buildings
E1i Special concrete structures
E1k Composite structures for bridges
E1l Applications of Matlab in computer modeling
E1m Selected issues of building materials
E1n Protection of structures against corrosion
E1o Quality control and management in the process of building materials and products manufacturing
E1p Special concretes and concreting techniques
E1s Design and diagnostics of masonry buildings
E1t Abaqus computer code
E1u Meshless analysis of engineering problems
E1v Robot computer code
E1w Introduction to computational mechanics of materials
E1x Economics of construction projects and elements of law
E1y Computer aided construction project management
E1z Cost modelling in construction projects
E52 Low Energy Building Enclosure
E53 Computer Aided Building Physics
E54 Methods of Building Thermal Evaluation
E55 Low Energy Building Design
E57 Metal structures II
E58 Thin-walled steel structures

Diploma Seminar
E1a Diploma seminar L-1
E1b Diploma seminar L-31
E1c Diploma seminar L-5
E56 Diploma seminar L-4