Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej
Kierunek: Budownictwo          Specjalność: Konstrukcje budowlane i inżynierskie - studia w języku angielskim
Stopień: drugi          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2017/2018
Data aktualizacji: 25-10-2017
ECTSKod kierunku: BUDsemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne61661
1Elements of Intellectual Property Protection II61661
BPrzedmioty podstawowe303151515153
2Mathematics II (in Civil Engineering)303151515153
CPrzedmioty kierunkowe270221503015751353015601915153
3Strength of Materials II303151515153E
4Advanced Structural Materials302151515152
5Structural Mechanics II303151515153E
6Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity452301530152
7Fundamentals of Design and Reliability15115151
8Computer Methods in Civil Engineering302151515152
9Concrete Structures II303151515153E
10Metal Structures II303151515153E
11Management of Building Projects303151515153E
DPrzedmioty specjalnościowe510362471018152205210185581801516526152
12Technology of Prefabrication3011010101010101
13Applications of Computer Science to Building Structures302151515152
14Structural Mechanics III (Dynamics of Structures)303151515153E
15Plate and Shell Structures302151515152
16Fundamentals of Design and Reliability II302151515152
17Principles of Low Energy Building302151515152E
18Applied Building Acoustics15178781
19Foundation II302151515152
20Special Concrete Structures302151515152
21Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures II60530301515215153E
22Special Metal Structures302151515152
23Timber Structures II302151515152
24Selected Industrial Structures453153015303
25Bridges II453301530153E
26Durability of Structures15215152
27Environment Protection in Civil Engineering302151515152
EPrzedmioty związane z dyplomem115284555153030415251524
28Subjects Related to Diploma Projects
29Diploma Seminar
30Preparation of Diploma Project1019101019
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: w - wykład, c - ćwiczenia audytoryjne, l - laboratoria, k - laboratoria komputerowe, p - projekty, s - seminarium.
Pobierz ten plan w pliku XLS

Linki do przedmiotów z list

Diploma Seminar
E1a Diploma Seminar - Low energy building
E1b Diploma Seminar - Building and industrial building (timber, masonry and concrete structures)
E1c Diploma Seminar - Building materials engineering and structure protection against corrosion
E1d Diploma Seminar - Steel structures
E1e Diploma Seminar - Masonry structures
E1f Diploma Seminar - Concrete structures
E1g Diploma Seminar - Reinforced concrete structures
E1h Diploma Seminar - Buildings rehabilitation

Subjects Related to Diploma Projects
E1c Concrete Structures in Fire Situation
E1g Design of Selected Prestressed Concrete Structures
E1m Calculation Procedures for Selected Steel Truss Structures