Wydział Mechaniczny
Kierunek: Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn          Specjalność: Zaawansowana mechanika obliczeniowa (Advanced Computational Mechanics)
Stopień: pierwszy          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2018/2019
Data aktualizacji: 27-04-2018
ECTSKod kierunku: Msemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne3302084225216024560156302302304391564
1Selected aspects of human growth (choice: 1.1 or 1.2 and 1.3) )
2Foreign language
3Fundamentals of enterprise
4Ethics, psychology and sociology
6Fundamentals of law and ergonomy
7Intellectual property15196961
8Introduction to scientific research15115151
BPrzedmioty kierunkowe6756734575120904530151561515330153077530158753030151515753015301960159
1Technical drawing454153015153151
23D modelling in enginneering problems15215152
3Machine design I90745151515301531515154E
4Plastics and composites302151515152
5Production engineering453301530153
6Fundamentals of automatics4551515151515155E
7Fundamentals of robotics302151515152E
9Experimental methods in mechanics302151515152
10Means of transport302151515152
11Optinal modules A, B, C, D
12Optional modules A, B, C
13Professional training55
1General mechanics757453030154E15153E
2Fluid mechanics4541515151515154E
4Electronics and electrical engineering4531515151515153
5Material science I7573015301515315304E
6Introduction to physics15115151
7Elements of contemporary physics604303030304
CPrzedmioty specjalnościowe305381201205603030645456454530953017
1Computer aided design of structures303151515153E
2Computer aided machining of structures303151515153E
3Optional modules A, B, C
4Individual activity
5Diploma seminar II30230302
6BSc thesis preparation5155515
DPrzedmioty podstawowe720563301953012045120753019453015990456015144515301530101515215152
1Mathematics I22518120105907512E30306E
2Engineering mathematics I302151515152
3Theory of probability / Variational analysis
4Statistics / Distribution and transforms
5Vibrations and waves4531515151515153
6Strength of materials12094515154530151541515305E
7Theory of elasticity302151515152E
8Theory of plasticity302151515152
9Information technology303151515153
11Numerical methods I75630451515315303
12Finite element method I453153015303
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: W - Wykład, C - Ćwiczenia, L - Laboratorium, K - Laboratorium komputerowe, P - Projekt, S - Seminarium.
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Linki do przedmiotów z list

Selected aspects of human growth (choice: 1.1 or 1.2 and 1.3) )
A1a Physical education
A1b Relaxation training
A1c Emotional training

Foreign language
A2a English
A2c Polish

Fundamentals of enterprise
A3a Business economics
A3b Fundanentals of invention
A3c Fundamentals of management

Ethics, psychology and sociology
A4a Labour psychology and sociology
A4b Ethics for engineers

A5a Interpersonal communication
A5b Autopresentation
A5c Rhetoric and presentation techniques

Fundamentals of law and ergonomy
A6a Industrial safety and ergonomics
A6b Fundamentals of law for enginners

Optinal modules A, B, C, D
B14a Acoustics, structural acoustics and control of vibrations
B14b Advanced mechanics of structures with constitutive modeling
B14c Introduction to mechatronics and MEMS technology
B14d Modeling of materials in extremal temperatures and rheology
B14e Optimization and stability of structures
B14f Quantum mechanics and fundamentals of accelerator design
B14g Theory of mechanisms and machines, manipulators
B14h Vehicle constructions and combustion engines
B14i Heat and mass transfer and power planty
B14j Biomechanics, biomaterials and haptic structures

Optional modules A, B, C
B15a Noise and vibration protection
B15b Recycling
B15c Renewable natural energy sources
B15d Energy modelling in mechanics
B15e Environmental protection
B15f Engineering databases in mechanics
C3a Computer programming and computer programs for mechanics
C3c Identification and simulation of dynamical systems
C3c FEM II and CFD in fluid mechanics
C3d Theory of signals and analysis of mechanical systems by computer packages
C3e Coordinate measuring systems and programming of coordinate systems

Individual activity
C1a Diploma seminar I
C1b Students research activity
C1c Scientific project

Theory of probability / Variational analysis
D3a Theory of probability
D3b Variational analysis

Statistics / Distribution and transforms
D4a Statistics
D4b Distribution and transforms