Wydział Inżynierii i Technologii Chemicznej
Kierunek: Technologia Chemiczna          Specjalność: Innovative Chemical Technologies
Stopień: drugi          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2020/2021
Data aktualizacji: 14-03-2020
ECTSKod kierunku: Tsemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne3022282282
1Polish and european legislation in environmental protection15115151
2Engineering information and data analytics15178781
CPrzedmioty kierunkowe260201351560401075301010106015303010
1Innovative research directions in organic chemistry30230302
2Innovative and cleaner inorganic technologies453153015303
3Selected subjects in physical chemistry5053010103010105E
4Chemical reactors engineering303151515153E
5Molecular modeling in catalysis and chemical technology453153015303
6Chromatographic separation of phytochemicals30230302
6Phytochemical analysis15115151
8Calculational methods in chemical engineering15115151
DPrzedmioty specjalnościowe5704417030150303016095303030551875120751830308
1Biofuels and bioresources454153015304E
2Functional nanomaterials302201020102
3Basic of Applied Photochemistry I15115151
4Heterogeneous catalysis303151515153E
5Modern materials for medicine453153015303
6Technology of novel polymeric materials302151515152
7Cleaner production and innovations in phosphorus compounds industry302151515152
8Cosmetic Emulsions – Troubleshooting of products quality and stability453153015303
9Computer modeling in chemical technology30630306
10Selectable courses
EPrzedmioty związane z dyplomami40241030152101522
1Diploma seminar30430152152
2Master diploma work1020101020
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: W - Wykłady, C - Ćwiczenia, L - Laboratorium, K - Laboratorium komputerowe, P - Projekt, S - Seminarium.
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Selectable courses
D10a Innovations in the technology of drugs
D10b Innovative methods in Polymer Chemistry
D11 Basic of Applied Photochemistry II
D12 Experimental methods in catalysis and surface characterization
D13 Electrocatalysis
D14 Delivery Systems for Personal Care
D15 Molecular modeling in drug design
D16 Business strategies for scientists
D17 Circular Economy In Technology and Waste Utylisation
D18 Technology Of Glass
D19 Modern Technologies In Wastewater And Water Treatment
D20 New Generation Of Composite Materials
D21 Coating Materials In Construction Chemicals
D22 Recycling of plastics
D23 Selected methods of testing chemicals
D24 Elements of physical chemistry of polymers
D25 Microwave-assisted organic synthesis
D26 Polymers in medicine and pharmacy
D27 Drug Delivery Systems
D28 Physicochemistry of aero- and hydrogels
D29 Basic ChemCAD simulations
D30 Concept of biorefinery and platform chemicals
D31 Adsorption Separation Processes: from lab to production scale (IPB)
D32 Interactive Physical Chemistry (FH-MS)
D33 Generalized Curriculum in Chemical Process Design (FH-MS)
D34 Chemical Nanosciences (FH-MS)
D35 Numerical simulation (ENSCL)
D36 Metallic Alloys (ENSCL)
D37 Degradation of materials (ENSCL)
D38 Bioenergy & Biofuels (ENSCL)
D39 Technology of monoterpenoid fragrances
D40 Chemistry of Biomass (ENSCL)
D41 Equilibrium Thermodynamics (IPB)
D42 Nanomaterials for optoelectronic and biological applications (PK)
D43 Microencapsulation techniques and applications (IPB)
D44 Bioenergy Technologies (IPB)
D45 Chemistry of modern polymeric materials (PK)