Wydział Mechaniczny
Kierunek: Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn          Specjalność: Machine design (Konstrukcja maszyn- w języku angielskim)
Stopień: pierwszy          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2021/2022
Data aktualizacji: 22-03-2021
ECTSKod kierunku: Msemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne33018752556026023021545430330303302
1Selected aspects of human development (including elective options)
3Fundamentals of entrepreneuship
4Funamentals of law and ergonomics
5Psychology-ethics module
6Communication-negotiation module
7Protection of intellectual property15115151
BPrzedmioty kierunkowe1845147735285510152851512010530452813590604528165301051575281054590105261351501520601560151515152
1Introduction to scientific research15115151
3Introduction to physics15215152
4Engineering Thermodynamics4541515151515154
5Engineering Thermodynamics II303151515153E
6Electrical engineering and electronics4541515151515154
7Electrical engineering and electronics II302151515152
8General mechanics454153015304E
9General mechanics II453301530153
10Introduction to FEM302151515152
11Fundamentals of stength of materials60515151515151515155E
12Strength of materials90730151530301515307E
13Fluid mechanics4531515151515153
14Fluid mechanics II15215152E
15Technical documentation45445454
16Machinery with theory of mechanisms and machines4531515151515153
17Machine design4541515151515154E
18Machine design II6051515301515305E
19Modeling of machines by CAD methods30230302
20Fundamentals of automation and robotics302151515152
21Elective module 1 z 2
22Design of technological process303151515153
23Technologies of products forming755304530455
24Machines and technological equipment453301530153
25Findamentals of material science60630301515315153
26Elements of industrial automation302151515152
27Industrial internet4531515151515153
28Programming and systems of computer support605303030305
29Metrology and geometrical specification of products6041530151530154
30Fundamentals of exploitation302151515152
31Fundamentals of reliability302151515152
32Protection of environment302151515152
33Elective module 1 z 2
34Elective module 1 z 2
35Thermal and machine measurements30230302
36Elective module 1 z 2
37Elective module 1 z 2
38Elective module 1 z 2
39Elective module 1 z 2
40Elective module 1 z 2
41Elective module 1 z 2
42Elective module 1 z 2
43Elective module 1 z 2
44Elective module 1 z 2
45Elective module 1 z 2
46Elective module 1 z 2
47Professional training55
CPrzedmioty specjalnościowe3054590151703015153074590151330501525
1Computer methods in mechanics30430304E
2CAD and 3D modeling in engineering30230302
3Composite structures303151515153
4Advanced problems of machine analysis303151515153E
5Elective module 1 z 11
6FEM in machine design30330303
7Fundamentals of optimal engineering design304151515154E
8Failure prevention in machine design302151515152
9Perparation for diploma thesis5155515
10Diploma seminar30230151151
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: W - Wykład, C - Ćwiczenia, L - Laboratorium, K - Laboratorium komputerowe, P - Projekt, S - Seminarium.
Pobierz ten plan w pliku XLS

Linki do przedmiotów z list

Fundamentals of entrepreneuship
A2a Fundamentals of management
A2b Economics of enterprises

Funamentals of law and ergonomics
A4a Fundamentals of law for engineer
A4b Safety of work and ergonomics

Psychology-ethics module
A6a Ethics of engineering profession
A6b Sociology and psychology

Communication-negotiation module
A8a Interpersonal communication with elements of autopresentation
A8b Negotiations

Selected aspects of human development (including elective options)
A11a Relaxation training - managing stress
A11b Training of emotional development
A12 Physical education

Elective module 1 z 2
B22b Fundamentals of robotics
B48 Robots and manipulators
B33a Fuel engines
B33b Heat engines
B34 Elements of safety mahine and systems service
B34a Health and safety at work
B36a Road construction machines and transport systems
B36b Road construction and constructions machines
B37a Computer sysytems for management and technical preparing of production
B37b Matlab and LabVIEW programming
B38a Engineering applications of FEM
B38b Fundamentals of biomechanics and biomaterials
B39a Composite constructions
B39b Applications of FEM system I
B40a Tests of motor vehicles
B40b Motor vehicles
B41a Fundamentals of heat transfer
B41b Fundamentals of safety work of thermal machinery and devices
B42a Programming of CNC machine-tools
B42b Programming of CNC machine-tools in CAD/CAM systems
B43a Programming in Phyton language
B43b Data analysis wit application of R language
B44a Tribology
B44b Machine exploitation materials
B45a Design of advanced measurement systems 3D
B45b Supervising of techological machnes and systems
B46a Drives nad contol of machines
B46b Drives and control of hydraulic and pneumatic machines

Elective module 1 z 11
C5d Fluid-flow machinery
C5e Logistics
C5f Automatization and robotization in manufacturing
C5g Composite structure design
C5h Biomechanical systems
C5i Control of vibrations
C5j Structural design
C5k Rail vehicles
C9a Accelerator design
C9b Vehicle construction and engines
C9c Thermal machinery