Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej
Kierunek: Budownictwo          Specjalność: Structural Design and Management in Civil Engineering (profile: Structural Design)
Stopień: drugi          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2022/2023
Data aktualizacji: 02-03-2023
ECTSKod kierunku: BUDsemestry
AGeneral subjects5472430151151245
1Foreign Language30230151151
2Elements of Intellectual Property Protection II61661
3Communication within an organization92992
4Negotiation techniques92992
CMajor subjects300231703025751553025602115152
1Mathematics in Civil Engineering302201020102
2Strength of Materials II302151515152E
3Advanced Structural Materials302151515152
4Structural Mechanics II303151515153E
5Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity453301530153
6Fundamentals of Design and Reliability15115151
7Computer Methods in Civil Engineering302151515152
8Concrete Structures II303151515153E
9Metal Structures II303151515153E
10Management of Building Projects302151515152E
DSpecialty subjects34523150101015160601545890101011515
1Prestressed and Precast Concrete Elements302151515152
2Special Foundations302151515152
3Construction Company Management302151515152
4Cost Estimates in Civil Engineering302151515152
5Probability-based structural design15115151
6Principles of Low Energy Building302151515152E
7Technology of Prefabrication3021010101010102
8Composite Steel and Concrete Structures302151515152
9Timber Structures II302151515152
10Selected Industrial Structures302151515152
11Tenders, Negotations and Contracts in Civil Engineering302151515152
12Construction Management302151515152
DSpecialty subjects (profile: Structural Design)180149030606030451030154
13Statistical Methods in Structure Design15115151
14Selected Aspects of BIM in Structure Design302151515152
15Dynamics of Structures303151515153E
16Design Analysis of Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures302151515152E
17Special Concrete Structures302151515152
18Bridges and Tunnels302151515152
19Durability of Structures15215152
ESubjects Related to Diploma Projects115234555153030415251519
1Elective Subjects Related to Diploma Projects
2Diploma Seminar
3Preparation of Diploma Project1016101016
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: w - wykład, c - ćwiczenia audytoryjne, l - laboratoria, k - laboratoria komputerowe, p - projekty, s - seminarium.
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Diploma Seminar
E11KZ Diploma Seminar - Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed Concrete and Masonry Structures
E21MM Diploma Seminar - Bridge, Metal and Timber Structures
E31PD Diploma Seminar - Building Design and Diagnostics
E41BP Diploma Seminar - BIM in Structural Design

Elective Subjects Related to Diploma Projects
E12KZ Concrete and Masonry Structures in Fire Situations
E13KZ Opportunities for building modernisation and strengthening
E14KZ Computer Based Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
E15KZ Computational Analysis and Design of Slabs on Ground
E22MM Steel Bar Structures - computer aided design
E23MM Steel Shell Structures - computer aided design
E24MM Computer Aided Design of Bridges
E32PD Building Diagnostics and Revitalization
E33PD Functional Design of Modern Buildings
E34PD Computer Aided Design of Low Energy Building
E42BP Plate and Shell Structures
E43BP BIM in Infrastructure Modeling
E44BP Management of BIM Systems