Wydział Mechaniczny
Kierunek: Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn          Specjalność: Advanced Computational Mechanics (Zaawansowana mechanika obliczeniowa- w języku angielskim)
Stopień: drugi          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2023/2024
Data aktualizacji: 25-09-2022
ECTSKod kierunku: Msemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne90111530451521515459
2Methodology of scientific research15215152
3Legal and economic conditions of professional activity15215152
4Elective module 1 z 2
BPrzedmioty kierunkowe3902719545757590453015137515601130303
2Analytical mechanics303151515153E
3Fluid mechanics II302151515152
4Heat exchange302151515152
5Selected problems of thermodynamics302151515152
6Strength of constructions303151515153E
7Machine design III302151515152
8Elective module 1 z 2
9Fundamentals of optimal design302151515152
10Contemporary engineering materials302151515152
11Innovative technics and systems of production302151515152
12Diagnostics and monitoring of machines and systems302151515152
13Exparimental research in mechanics of constructions301151515151
CPrzedmioty specjalnościowe4455210545280156015135151515105103015401527
1Computer methods of analysis of structures453153015303E
2Programing languages45345302151
3Advanced FEM calculations302151515152
43D modeling in engineering practice302151515152
5Computer systems in mechanics15115151
6Computer aided design of production processes and intelligent production systems302151515152
7Vibrations of systems - computer simulation and control30230302
8Computer modeling of enginerring materials303151515153E
9Computer aided measurement in mechanics302151515152
10Computational heat transfer and fluid mechanics30230302
11Coordinate metrology15115151
12Computer aided vibroacoustics and machine diagnostics302151515152
13Computational strength of materials30330303E
14Computer aided design of experiments30230302
15Preparing of diploma project1020101020
16Diploma seminar15215152
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: W - Wykład, C - Ćwiczenia, L - Laboratorium, K - Laboratorium komputerowe, P - Projekt, S - Seminarium.
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Elective module 1 z 2
A4a Project management and management of research group
A4b Leadership and management of employee team
B8a Systems of computer aided machine design
B8b Application of FEM system II